Kevin Sandy

Thoughts, musings, ramblings, and rants

I have a Synology DiskStation providing file services to my home and lab networks. It works great as-is for SMB access, but NFS access was problematic because the automatic UID / GID generation didn't match the IDs used by my Linux systems. Since I already store Unix attributes in Active Directory, I needed the DiskStation to respect those.


I run Active Directory to manage my users and groups. Most of my servers run Linux, and I also run a Synology DiskStation that serves files via NFS and CIFS. To keep file permissions and ownership consistent, I assign static UID and GID values to my Active Directory users and groups. Rather than manually assigning UID and GID values, I created a PowerShell script to do it for me.


I'm loving the experience on so far. But, there was one thing bothering me – I wanted to make a couple adjustments to the code blocks on my posts. Specifically, I wanted to enable horizontal scrolling and add a copy button.


I use pfSense for my home networks. For externally available services, I prefer to use the HAProxy package rather than setting up port forwarding. This allows me to do various checks and modifications prior to passing the traffic to my internal servers. However, when I setup HAProxy to pass traffic to my ADFS server it wasn't working.


I was setting up a new Shibboleth IdP in my lab to run some tests. When integrating it with my Active Directory domain, I wanted to use the objectGUID attribute as a unique user identifier. It meets the requirements of being unique and not reusable, while also not exposing any undesirable information like objectSID would.


I recently started using Obsidian, and I wanted to acheive a seemingly simple goal – to point it at my Documents folder on my Mac and iPad. I really wanted the simplicity of having a single area for things rather than multiple areas to manage. As usual, it turned out to be more involved, but I was able to get it working.


I spent way more time than expected getting a few different resources imported to existing CloudFormation stacks. It seems like it should be easy, but there were a couple issues I ran into along the way that I hadn't seen documented anywhere.


I’ve been putting off publishing a new site for at least six months. I finally decided to put this up here as is and add to it as I have time. Don’t expect too much, it’s mostly just a spot for me to have a written record of things I want to be able to refer to later.